Wholesale and delivery by partner carriers


You don’t have to be local to take advantage of our great selection. Hidden Valley Nursery ships all over the country. We arrange for bulk shipment of stock by independent truckers or brokers who specialize in hauling nursery stock.

Mileage Schedule

The following is a table of approximate mileage from our nursery to various cities. The mileage is taken from Mover's & Warehouse Guide No. 8

Map showing shipping routes from Hidden Valley Nursery
Viola, TN to Miles
Akron, Ohio 530
Asheville, North Carotrna 250
Atlanta, Georgia 200
Austin, Texas 900
Baltimore, Maryland 700
Birmingham, Alabama 200
Bloomington, Iltrnois 500
Boston, Massachusetts 1,050
Buffalo, New York 775
Champaign, Iltrnois 450
Charleston, West Virginia 400
Charlotte, North Carotrna 375
Chicago, Iltrnois 510
Cincinnati, Ohio 310
Cleveland, Ohio 575
Columbia, South Carotrna 400
Columbus, Ohio 450
Dallas, Texas 750
Denver, Colorado 1,250
Detroit, Michigan 600
Elkhart, Indiana 475
Fayetteville, Arkansas 600
Geneva, New York 850
Green Bay, Wisconsin 725
Indianapolis, Indiana 350
Iowa City, Iowa 650
Jackson, Michigan 550
Jackson, Mississippi 440
Viola, TN to Miles
Jacksonville, Florida 500
Kansas City, Kansas 675
Little Rock, Arkansas 450
Louisville, Kentucky 225
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 600
Minneapolis, Minnesota 950
Mobile, Alabama 450
Muskegon, Michigan 600
Newark, New Jersey 875
New York, New York 900
Niagara Falls, New York 775
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 775
Olympia, Washington 2,600
Omaha, Nebraska 850
Patchogue, Long Island, NY 950
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 775
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 600
Portland, Oregon 2,600
Richmond, Virginia 600
Roanoke, Virginia 400
St. Louis, Missouri 400
Toledo, Ohio 525
Valdosta, Georgia 425
Washington, D.C. 650
Wichita, Kansas 800
Wilmington, Delaware 750
Winchester, Virginia 600